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About Us

Fermit GmbH, formerly Nissen & Volk GmbH, has been specialised in sealing threads for over 100 years and with its Neo-Fermit brand is the unchallenged market leader in Germany.

As a manufacturer, service provider and competent partner for the wholesale trade in sanitary and heating engineering, for oven and fireplace manufacturers, for the industry, technical trade and as well in pool technology, Fermit provides solutions and surplus values made in Germany.

Hundred thousands of customers, from masters to assistants and hobby craftsmen, trust our certified and approved products.

As a subsidiary of the French BARTHELMY Group, Fermit benefits from considerably extend R&D expertise and from an increased presence in several European countries.

As a manufaturer, Fermit takes its role in the ecosystem seriously. The photovoltaic system installed on the rooftop of the 2015 extension of production hall produces 48,000 kWh of electricity and allows for a reduction of 33 tons of CO2 per year. Thus, for the benefit of man and nature, Fermit´s production is climate-neutral to the greatest extend.

Furthermore, Fermit is regularly audited with respect to its quality management and is certified in accordance with DIN ISO 9001:2015.

Innovative strength, flexibility and short reation times. This is Fermit.  

Certified according to DIN EN 9001: 2015.

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